Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Possible EVP?

So this was the first potential EVP I got from the Mar. 20th investigation.

Check it out - I put my digital recorder into another room where no one else was. Me and my "investigating buddy" (we employed the buddy system, so I had someone volunteer to be my buddy hehe) that went into the room to put it there were the only ones who knew where in the room I put it and she never left my vicinity, nor did any of the others in our group after we came back. The other group was downstairs, and had no clue we were doing that at all.

I left the recorder there until the session ended and the group downstairs was starting to trickle up. 

Click the play button below to listen to the EVP.

In any case, it was sort of cool to find this in the lower frequencies. Is it paranormal? No clue. But it's sort of cool I think either way, lol!

So what do YOU hear?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Investigation Day!


First Ray gets called into work at the last minute. But we think, no big deal ... he's off by 5pm, and that gives us a 2 hour period to get to Stockton, which is only an hour away.

The trouble happened because I gloated at being sooo ahead of schedule. I know this. And I know better than to gloat. But I did it anyway and the universe, as usual, smacked the hell out of me for doing it. *sigh*

So let's see. We took off on time. We hit UGLY UGLY UGLY traffic. Nasty bad evil traffic.

So it looked like we might be you know, 1o-20 minutes late. So I call before we are late, you know because that is the polite and courteous thing to do.

Turns out I'd have been pretty accurate ... had I been on the right freeway.

Oh yes. Seems I somehow ended up on the WRONG flipping freeway. Stockton is interesting - I-5 and 99 run parallel to each other and Stockton sort of sits in the middle of both of them.

So if you get on the *wrong* freeway - as I did - you might find exits named the same, but when you get onto them the directions "no longer workie". Of course you never realize it at first. Oh no, because that would be easy.

So we drove alll the way down Wilson Way (which I hope I never see again in this lifetime) to Dr. martin Luther King Blvd.

On the way we almost ran over some guy in the middle of the street clutching his chest and having the most painful expression on his face in the intersection of Bradford and Wilson Way. Scared the shit out of me! Hope he was okay, the ambulance came and scraped him off the road maybe 2 minutes later.

We saw hookers, drug deals, gun deals, people partaking of a variety of drugs, and man, I could not get out of there fast enough. Anyways after 2 hours of being lost in a really ugly part of Stockton, I somehow figured my way out and where I needed to be (I seriously have NO clue how that happened, it was practically magical!)

Anyway we finally got to where we were supposed to be, and they were nice enough to let us jump on the end of the investigation.

I didn't feel like there was anything there, but that's cool. More like a dry run was the way I viewed it, lol.

Nothing of note happened that I was aware of really, but should be interesting to see what was recorded during the evidence review meeting!

The way home was uneventful and disgustingly easy and quick. LOL!

In any case, it was an adventure and I am glad that we finally got one under our proverbial belts!! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tonight is the night!

Well tonight is the first real investigation I think that we will have gone on. The one we did  with another group before this one was just strange and it kind of sucked. Imagine like 7-8 investigators and 3-4 residents all jammed into a double-wide trailer filled with large furniture.

So I am looking forward to this one quite a bit, got a bunch of stuff packed already lol, and everything is charging, so yay!

Even if we get absolutely nothing, it will be fun! :)